Practical Exams RYA Practical exams.
Full information on the requirements for taking RYA exams is given in the RYA logbook G158. The examiners role during the exam is to observe & assess. During the exam you will be skippering the yacht, this will involve taking full responsibility for the safety of the crew & yacht.
Yachtmaster Coastal
Pre exam requirements
VHF Radio operators license. In date 1st aid certificate. 30 days at sea (2days as skipper). 800 miles at sea in tidal waters. 12 night hours For those with a Coastal Skipper practical course completion certificate, the sea time is reduced to 20 days & 400 miles.
Yachtmaster Offshore
Pre exam requirements
VHF Radio operators license. In date 1st aid certificate. 50 days at sea (5days as skipper). 2500 miles at sea in tidal waters. 5 x 60+ mile passages including 2 overnight & 2 as skipper. Yachtmaster Ocean
Pre exam requirements
Yachtmaster Offshore certificate. Yachtmaster Ocean shorebased certificate. International certificate of competence (ICC)
In addition to the above exams we are able to carry out tests for the ICC on your boat or ours. This is a theory & practical examination. RYA booklet G81/E-G81 (available from us) gives full information on the requirements for this test. Holders of a Day Skipper practical course completion certificate can apply to the RYA for an ICC without doing this test.
For the inland waters of Europe you will be required to complete the CEVNI test.Again all the information on the CEVNI test is given in booklet G81/E-G81.
For current prices on any of the above exams contct us.
email [email protected] Tel 07889 535371