Day Skipper and Coastal Skipper Shorebased Course Content Essential NavigationA brief introduction to navigation and safety for anyone going to sea for the first time in a small craft..
Assessment-During course.
Aim - To give the student a basic awareness and understanding of navigation and safety afloat.
Day SkipperPre-course requirements-No previous knowledge is assumed, hovever, some practical experience will help.
A comprehensive introduction to seamanship,navigation, pilotage, collision regulations and meteorology.
Assessment-2 test papers at the end of the course (navigation and seamanship).
Aim - To provide the student with the theoretical knowledge required to skipper a small craft in familiar waters by day.
Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster Offshore Pre-course requirements - Should be able to navigate to Day Skipper level (plot lat/long and bearings/distances). Some practical experience is required.
This course builds on and revises subjects covered on the Day Skipper course.
Assessment - 3 test papers during the course (navigation, meteorology and collision regulations.
Aim - To provide the student with the theoretical knowledge required to skipper a small craft an coastal and offshore passages by day or night.